In less than 2 1/2 years we have grown from 40 meals delivered to 100+ meals delivered! God is good! Our volunteers come from several different churches and some who have no church affiliation. We are always looking for more volunteers as the ministry continues to grow, especially those who could deliver a few meals in their community. Some of our volunteers are taking 12-15 meals each time. Volunteers to help in the kitchen to prepare, plate, and pack meals are always appreciated. Anyone who would like to help can come at any time between 12:00 and 4:00 and can spend as little or as much time as they want.

We also encourage submission of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of those in the immediate St. Paul and Castlewood communities who may be blessed by a hot meal. Our target demographic is shut-ins, elderly who live alone (or couples) who may not cook for themselves, those who recently had surgery or sickness and are recovering at home. It is not income based.

Feb 15: Chicken Enchilada, Rice, Beans, Dessert
Mar 21: Soup Beans, Hot Dogs, Sauerkraut, Fried potatoes, Cornbread

Donations can be dropped off at St Paul UMC the Wed before Delivery day.