Watch Live Sunday 11:00am
Sunday Night:
The Hangout (7-12 grade) 6:00 PM
Thursday Night:
Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM
Bible Club (PreK-6th) 6:30 PM
Watch Live Sunday 11:00am
Sunday Night:
The Hangout (7-12 grade) 6:00 PM
Thursday Night:
Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM
Bible Club (PreK-6th) 6:30 PM
The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind. The ordinances of the Church are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
The church was founded in 1922. The physical church building was completed in 1926, with a sanctuary on the upper level and offices and classrooms on the lower level. The church parsonage was built beside the church in 1948.
The educational wing was completed in 1960 with classrooms on the upper level and lower level. Pastor and secretary offices are located on the lower level. The lower level of the original church building was converted into a fellowship hall with an adjoining kitchen area. Numerous upgrades and modifications have been made through the years.
It's important for believers to regularly read the Bible. This is our source document on how to live out the Christian faith. It's good practice to meditate on bits of Scripture at a time to memorize. Remember, when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He relied on Scripture to fight temptation.
Regular prayer is important. We are in a relationship with God. He wants to hear from us. Prayer is one way we stay in touch with The Lord.
Spurgeon was asked what was more important, reading the Bible or praying. He responded that question is like asking what’s more important, inhaling or exhaling.
Journaling allows us to take notes of all the things happening in our lives. We can use it as a prayer journal to catalog when God answers a prayer.
Believers are called to serve. God did not call us so the we could be attended to. Instead, He called us so that we would go and attend to others. He called us to live a life of good stewardship and service.
Pastor Andy is used to being on the move. His father’s naval career bounced the family to Hawaii, California, Florida, Virginia, and the United Kingdom. Andy also joined the Navy and served for over 22 years, so he never really had the chance to “settle down.” However, he is proud to call St. Paul, VA home. If the Lord wills, he will be here the rest of his life.
Rev. Wood earned his Master of Divinity in Chaplaincy from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Previously, he served as the Youth Pastor at Meadowridge Baptist Church in Zion, IL, and Men’s Minister at Orcutt Baptist Church and Menchville Baptist Church in Newport News, VA. He was ordained to the Gospel ministry at Menchville Baptist.
Andy and his wife, Dania, have four children, Nicole, Reagan, Mary, and Lucy. They have two dogs, one cat, a bird, a bearded dragon, and one fish. The fish resides in his study at the church because of the cat!
Andy’s favorite activities include drinking lots of coffee, lifting heavy things, and going to all of his children’s sports activities.
Welcome TO ST PAUL FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, we are so glad you have chosen to join us in worship. Here is a little information to help you in finding what you are looking for here at FBC.
Youth Bible Study
at the Wood house
Adult Bible Study
in FBC Fellowship Hall
Children's Bible Club
in the Kids Room
AT 5:30 PM
WMU Meeting is held downstairs in the FBC Bible Study Room.
We are looking for women to join us with our mission projects throughout this year. Please join us!
Join us..
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Thanks for being a part of our church family!
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If you have any questions or would like to talk to us,
please give us a call at (276) 762-9440 or send us an email. email
None of the work we do at our church would be possible without God moving the hearts of our people to give. Your generosity helps create a church where people feel welcomed, lead, and loved a place where life-changing stories are being written every week.