Exploring the bible

Bible Study Questions

Please join us on Thursdays as we do a deep dive into God’s Word

We started at Genesis 1:1 and we plan to go all the way through to Revelation 22:21


Read your BIBLE through

Read God's word in a year


When we read most books, we expect the action to flow from one event to the next.  However, the Bible is not linear in its recording of Biblical events.  This reading plan gives us an idea of how the events of the Bible play out in their chronological order.  We begin in Genesis, but quickly jump into the book of Job, one of the earliest Biblical texts we have.  We will also see read the prophets interspersed throughout 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles. 


CANONICAL READING goes straight through the Bible  

From Genesis to Revelation                                               

 Canonical Reading

BLENDED READING divides the Bible so that you will read books in a non-traditional sequence. 

While you are reading the Old Testament, you will also read from the New Testament.